- Trekipedia: Update: 26 June 2010 http://www.trekipedia.net/4459 #
- @DantesSTO We saw bathrooms on Voyager… Neelix took baths (shudder), Torres took sonic showers… The brig in Star Trek V had a toilet in reply to DantesSTO #
- Trekipedia: Update: 27 June 2010 http://www.trekipedia.net/4616 #
- Watching TOS… Just realized Spock's description of the Kelvans' native form… They're Cthulu! #
- @walshcaitlin DS9 was really good. It picked up a lot after Worf came in for season 4, then the Dominion War in seasons 5-7 in reply to walshcaitlin #
- "What is it?" "It's… Um… It's *green.*" #
- @walshcaitlin I've got TOS and the films on BluRay, and TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT on DVD. Plus nearly all the books, comics and games too in reply to walshcaitlin #
- @walshcaitlin Actually, I have *every* comic: got the DVD with PDFs of every issue thru '04, and hard copies of every issue since in reply to walshcaitlin #
- @walshcaitlin It's nice that they released the DVD with all the comics from 1967-2004. Most of the issues I was missing were older books in reply to walshcaitlin #
- Finally saw the first 3 eps of Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor Who. Liking it. Love how they brought back the Daleks. #fb #
- (And yes, I know the show's called Doctor Who while the character's simply The Doctor, but Twitter's 140-character limit sucks sometimes) #
- ROFLOL The TARDIS makes that noise because the Doctor's left the brakes on for 50 years?! LOL! #
- "Her past, my future. Time travel. We keep meeting in the wrong order." #
- @gadgetdoll Is there ever NOT a protest there? I used to drive past one on my way to work & seemed like it was there 24-7 in reply to gadgetdoll #
- Kids were asked to write about a movie villain they found interesting. Nearly all boys picked Joker, girls the villain from Twilight #
- @DantesSTO Dark Knight – Heath Ledger's Joker in reply to DantesSTO #
- @aprilhebert Saw that one today, too, then finished off the season. Van Gogh returns a couple eps later! in reply to aprilhebert #
- W…T…F… I have no (clean) words for this RT @cnnbrk: VA hospital may have infected 1,800 veterans with HIV http://on.cnn.com/a8z2A1 #fb #
- @aprilhebert It's on teh Interwebs. Not all areas carry BBCAmerica, so other means must be found in reply to aprilhebert #
- Oh, please be right. via @theisb: I figured it out. She's Reverse Wonder Woman of Zur-En-Arrh. Diana w/o Amazons, Paradise Island or powers #
- @blambot Depends on the comic. If it's the Twilight manga, that might be a mercy in reply to blambot #
- Trekipedia: Update: 30 June 2010 http://www.trekipedia.net/4742 #
- You know what would be awesome? To just have a comic magically appear, in finished form, as soon as I write it. Darn this slow drawing stuff #
- @MethosChronicle Not only… I'll be at SDCC. Still need to figure out accommodations though in reply to MethosChronicle #
- @theisb If it is how they dress, either I need to move or they need to start using that uniform here in reply to theisb #
- Trekipedia: Update: 1 July 2010 http://www.trekipedia.net/4773 #
- @wilw I just tell ppl who believe it that I'll take all their stuff next year, since they won't be needing it. No takers, yet in reply to wilw #
- End of an era… My fuzzy d20s became disconnected from their string… #fb http://twitpic.com/21ukvi #
- Trekipedia: Update: 2 July 2010 http://www.trekipedia.net/5031 #startrek #
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