- @aprilhebert You could still do that anyway, plus there's more blue aliens than just Andorians now in reply to aprilhebert #
- One of my brothers got married today #fb http://twitpic.com/1yapjw #
- My sister just rickrolled the bride at the reception, and was surprised the DJ actually had the song #
- This rum & coke is more like rum with a spritz of coke http://twitpic.com/1yc3u4 #
- @Mefran It was about 90% rum, 5% coke – just enough to darken the color, but not much else in reply to Mefran #
- Trekipedia: Update: 21 June 2010 http://www.trekipedia.net/4072 #
- Got a pingback on Trekipedia from http://tinyurl.com/328r2wa – Reads like a Chinese bootleg DVD cover. Spam site, or just badly translated? #
- Trekipedia: Update: 22 June 2010 http://www.trekipedia.net/4135 #
- Added 100 entries to Trekipedia today (with 215 more coming soon); time for some #STO Because there's no such thing as too much #startrek #
- Trekipedia: Update: 23 June 2010 http://www.trekipedia.net/4356 #
- For those who care, here's a page with profiles of all of my #STO characters: http://tinyurl.com/2eelore #
- @DantesSTO Yeah, especially if we write up bios for them like our characters. What's the point if nobody can see it? in reply to DantesSTO #
- First day working summer school. Not as chaotic as I'd expected; overall, a good day. #
- Recently heard rumor: Anton Yelchin (Chekov in Star Trek XI) in negotiations to play Spider-Man. Be nice if it's true #fb #
- Who watches the watchmen? #fb http://twitpic.com/1zun9y #
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