- I'm in California. UPS sent a package coming to me from Seattle to Illinois. Wouldn't it be easier to send it to a distro center in CA? #
- Played Left 4 Dead 2 (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://t.co/w4yaO70r #
- @LKKlink I think GalaxyQuest may have been the best Star Trek movie ever made. Just sayin'. in reply to LKKlink #
- Played Transformers: War for Cybertron (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://t.co/w4yaO70r #
- @robertliefeld Creativity? I try… but then again… I'm an independent. 😉 in reply to robertliefeld #
- In honor of the Air Force's 65th birthday, I've made my eBook a free download for today and tomorrow. Enjoy! http://t.co/xB1raJ5l #
- @TheInsaneRobin I'd have to say "Threshold"… Paris & Janeway hit warp 10, "evolve" into giant salamanders & leave salamander babies behind in reply to TheInsaneRobin #
- I'm now ranked Dedicated (top 40%) in Transformers: War for Cybertron on Raptr! http://t.co/0Z8A0eW5 #
- Trekipedia: Vulcans http://t.co/B71a8pYd #startrek #
- Am I the only one who keeps seeing "Gangnam Style," yet my brain reads "Gungan Style"?
Y'know… that might actually be better. #
- Am I the only one who keeps seeing "Gangnam Style," yet my brain reads "Gungan Style"? #
- I just keep getting this mental picture of Jar-Jar jumping around like a crazy person and get a mental shiver. #
- Played Transformers: War for Cybertron (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://t.co/w4yaO70r #
- Talk Like a Pirate Day? MOaR bAnDwIDth 4 mY 1337 toRr3ntZ LuLZ.
No? Wait… Lemme get out my English -Somali dictionary… #
- @theisb It's really telling when the continuity and writing of Young Justice is better than the regular DCU. in reply to theisb #
- @theisb It's clear the New 52 is a jumbled mess of a relaunch w no communication btwn creative teams in reply to theisb #
- Played World of Goo (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://t.co/w4yaO70r #
- Endeavour flew directly over me at work today. Left me speechless. #
- Spending the evening at the House of Mouse #
- @walshcaitlin there's an app for that… Google Translate. For serious. in reply to walshcaitlin #
- Guy re: Haunted Mansion Holiday line: "It's like the Eastbound 91 on a Friday!" #ohatdl #
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