- Nice timing… this book is required in my History 491T class at @CSUF. RT @latimes: Book review: 'Believing Is Seeing' http://t.co/C0aUGVX #
- Didn't Fredric Wertham insist it already was? lol RT @ComicGeekSpeak: What are your thoughts on Wonder Woman going horror? #cgsquestion #
- Roommate says I need to move my school books… they're taking up half of the dinner table… & I still don't even have them all yet… #
- @wilw I'm not sure which is cooler… the WWGLFD shirt… or John Effing Wayne on a Tauntaun on the next shirt over… in reply to wilw #
- This… sounds promising. RT @scifigeeks: @Syfy To Take Stab At 'Philadelphia Experiment' via a Saturday night movie. http://t.co/1uCRb3K #
- @J_Beale Sounds just like my day… in reply to J_Beale #
- @walshcaitlin I've got 23 of the 35 books required for my classes… and that doesn't count any I'll need to get for the inevitable papers in reply to walshcaitlin #
- played Champions Online (PC) and Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://t.co/0AF320E #
- @PizzaKarin ummm… 1 out of 3? :p in reply to PizzaKarin #
- @NBCLA I could tell you, but then I'd have to… in reply to NBCLA #
- Indeed. RT @EmperorOfNerds: RT @Mothpete: My bed needs an ejector seat more than I need an alarm clock. #
- On tonight's menu: orange chicken. Should be finished cooking in… 15 minutes. #
- Yay! Dinner is served http://t.co/VvmDRSf #
- played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://t.co/0AF320E #
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