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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-04
  • Keeping all my friends and former colleagues from the military who never made it home in my thoughts this Memorial Day weekend. RIP, guys #
  • Funny how the deadline for grades to be posted was yesterday, and one of my grades still hasn't posted yet... #fb #
  • Notable irony: a professor that wouldn't take late work is now late posting final grades. #
  • played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. #
  • played Champions Online (PC) and Portal (PC) in the last 24 hours. #
  • I just want to say how much I love @steam_games. Just got Dino D-Day for 50% off today. Nazis and dinosaurs... heck. yes. #
  • Phone randomly plays MP3s when nobody's nearby. Roommate: "It's a ghost. Who ya gonna call?" Me: "Ghost Hunters!" lol @Jchawes @grantswilson #
  • They added another web site to my maintenance list at work. Just reviewed the existing code... it's an atrocity. #
  • @DennysGrandSlam Went yesterday already. :p in reply to DennysGrandSlam #

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