- Found on my balcony… http://lockerz.com/s/103718164 #
- Found on my balcony… #Rapture http://lockerz.com/s/103718164 #
- @blambot YES! in reply to blambot #
- W00t! RT @blambot: CREATOR CREDITS is live! http://blambot.com/font_creatorcredits.shtml #
- I was underwhelmed RT @theisb: I got no time for a thing where the Warriors Three are portrayed as liars and failures. http://aol.it/l3g09o #
- @wilw 99 Cent Store has individually packaged DVD-Rs if there's one in your area… in reply to wilw #
- Thinking about the past month, I realized today that the last thing my grandpa said to me before he died was "Thank you." #
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