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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-02
  • Slept for nearly 15 hours. I knew I was tired, but wow. #
  • Pyre has reached level 15! #
  • I know I'm late to the game, but I started playing Left4Dead tonight... it's even more fun than I thought it would be. #
  • @Mefran And that opening cinematic is as good or better than several zombie movies I've seen... And they "just crossed the street" in it in reply to Mefran #
  • Awesome. It's so freakin' hot today, it set off the fire alarm at work while I was signing out in the main office. #fb #
  • One of my coworkers didn't believe me when I told her it was 110F out today. PROOF: #
  • Hey, CBS, where's my TV show? RT @mashable: CBS Turns Another Twitter Account into a TV Show - #
  • Someone offered to buy mine again this weekend... RT @ArcticMandy: There are children pointing & laughing at my car 🙁 #
  • Just noticed Survival of the Dead's R rating was for "Strong Zombie Violence/Gore;" because I guess "Strong Violence/Gore" wasn't enough #
  • @A_Peabody That's something that happens to me from time to time in reply to A_Peabody #
  • @OCFlyers How long will this sale last? in reply to OCFlyers #
  • @ArcticMandy Which flavor Pop-Tarts? Red wine for red Pop-Tarts, Romulan Ale for blue? in reply to ArcticMandy #
  • @KFIAM640 That's the prob w/ relying on 1 company for the drugs. Besides, you can re-use a rope. in reply to KFIAM640 #
  • Oy vey. Is he editing Jar-Jar into it too? RT @Syfy: Star Wars is getting redone in 3-D with a new theatrical release - #
  • Ouch. Just... Ouch RT @robdelaney: I will see Jar Jar Binks in 3D the same day I affix my penis to a moving bus with a nail gun. #
  • I wish I could care about Carter's hospital stay, but my friend who was wounded in Afghanistan's hospital stay is a bit more important to me #
  • @thinkgeek Genesis! (is planet forbidden!) in reply to thinkgeek #
  • @ComfortAndAdam Loved that one. Did you notice it had no music whatsoever? Made it all that much more immediate for me in reply to ComfortAndAdam #
  • W00t! Did FAR better than expected on my Comparative Religion paper than expected; it's worth 25% of my grade & I got 97% #fb #
  • Wish I could, but I'm in class (& in OC) RT @wilw: OMG Los Angeles: GO OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW TO SEE THE SUNSET. It is absolutely stunning. #
  • @theisb One of my students was drawing a 'stache on a pic of Batman today. He'd never heard of Bat-Hombre; now he knows. My job is done. #
  • @Tymethief @foxyfox_ It's like I tell my students: just because the last day on the calendar is Dec 31 doesn't mean there won't be a Jan 1 in reply to Tymethief #
  • @ArcticMandy Toss-up of Dr Who, Torchwood, & Primeval in reply to ArcticMandy #
  • @BadAstronomer That's a pretty bold claim. I'm not convinced we have enoiugh data for something like that yet in reply to BadAstronomer #
  • @ComfortAndAdam Hope everything turns out OK in reply to ComfortAndAdam #
  • @goodgaming That's just... hideous. Now I remember why I stopped watching nearly all TV a few years back. in reply to goodgaming #
  • Had to call in sick this morning; hope it's just the heat and that I'm not coming down with something. Feeling better now, at least #fb #
  • Surprised this didn't happen sooner RT @scifigeeks: MYST, top computer adventure game series, green-lighted for a MOVIE #
  • Zarmina? Who came up with that? RT @scifigeeks: The astrophysicist who discovered Zarmina describes life on "2nd Earth" #
  • Just got hit with phone spam from a 202 area code: the AFL-CIO calling to "warn" me about @JoinVanTran - I'm on the #DoNotCall list, jerks! #
  • @JoinVanTran It says something about how desperate Sanchez is when she has her union cronies phone spam ppl on the #DoNotCall list #
  • LOL interesting conundrum: redshirts vs. Stormtroopers... Redshirts always die on missions, but Stormtroopers can't hit anything... #fb #
  • Stormtroopers are like gangbangers... Safest person to be is the target #
  • @DamonS23 Bought it today, but can't see it 'til I get home in reply to DamonS23 #
  • @ComfortAndAdam glad to hear that in reply to ComfortAndAdam #
  • It was inspired to cast Ed Asner as the voice of Granny Goodness (and back for the new movie!), but Michael Ironside was better as Darkseid #
  • Just heard loud, screeching tires coming from the direction of the freeway by my house, but no crash. Bet their adrenaline's pumping tho #
  • Despite feeling like warmed-over crap today, I managed to (finally) get my truck's plates renewed this afternoon... paying the rent tomorrow #

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