Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-13

  • @MrShimasaki If they really want to make a positive change, how about they stop letting the other schools use ours as a dumping ground? in reply to MrShimasaki #
  • Ah, sweet corn with a hint of bacony goodness. Thank you, Bacon Salt (of course, if I were still in Iowa, the corn wouldn't be from a can) #
  • It'd be awesome if they took the audio from Secret of Vulcan Fury and turned it into a CGI movie, since the game was never released #fb #
  • RT @BadAstronomer: If I ever win an Oscar (for sci advising on Star Trek 2–JJ, call me!) I will wear the traditional Betazed wedding attire #
  • Lovely. I retweet @BadAstronomer and get followed by a BridalTweet bot. These autofollow bots are dumb as bricks and need to die horribly #
  • @aprilhebert Not watching Oscars either. Don't care enough about them to do so. Spent the pm gaming w friends; working on my comic now in reply to aprilhebert #
  • Awesome RT @BadAstronomer: I'm at a Japanese restaurant, and I swear the music they're playing is Picard's flute piece from "Inner Light" #
  • RT @cnnbrk: A 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey early Monday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey said #
  • I was right. The quakes *are* going in a circle… Haiti, Chile, now Turkey. Where to next? Italy? Spain? Azores? #
  • RT @BadAstronomer: Given that more people will watch this than any of their films, shouldn't these actors have their intros memorized? #
  • RT @afoolishwit: Stopped watching the Oscars. I prefer my grotesque, explicit jerkoff orgies without commercials. #
  • So, now that the Oscars are over, does that mean I'll stop hearing those commercials for "Tha Hurt Lockerrr" on the radio? Please? #
  • Got a B on the first History 113 midterm. Same deal as last semester with this prof – if I can keep at least a B in the class, no final. #
  • RT @scifigeeks: haha, yes! Transformers 2 'wins' worst-movie Razzie – Well deserved award! #
  • Rewatching the Eccleston run as the ninth Doctor. "You're 900 years old?" "Yep." "My mum was right. That's one hell of an age gap." #
  • RT @KFINEWS: CHP near San Diego say they had to put a patrol car in front of a runaway Prius on I-8 to stop the Toyota. said to hit 90 mph #
  • "If I was to tell u what I was doing w the controls of my frankly magnificent timeship, would u understand?" "I s'pose not" "Then shut it" #
  • Harriet Jones cracks me up #
  • @MethosChronicle Lots of planets have a North in reply to MethosChronicle #
  • @theisb (Garth Ennis > Stephanie Meyer) = Goes without saying in reply to theisb #
  • @theisb You could put just about any name in and they're probably better than Stephanie Meyer. Heck, I think even Uwe Boll would qualify. in reply to theisb #
  • @theisb In fact, they need to get Uwe Boll to direct the adaptation of the fourth book, and have it be exactly as written (eg, train wreck) #
  • @walshcaitlin I sympathize. I'm about to place the order for the first issue of my comic's initial print run in the near future. in reply to walshcaitlin #
  • @theisb "Show it, don't just say it." in reply to theisb #
  • @walshcaitlin It'll be for sale online. 😉 in reply to walshcaitlin #
  • @walshcaitlin Actually… that's good timing… because I'm doing a 5-issue arc to kick this off, so you can get all 5 issues at once :p in reply to walshcaitlin #
  • Done. RT @theisb (PS: If you got both of those references, high-five yourself and pretend it's from me) #
  • @theisb That's why the first issue of my comic's littered with flashbacks: better to show it than have somebody say, "when I was younger…" in reply to theisb #
  • "I'm really glad that worked. Those would've been terrible last words." #
  • Doctor: "Sonic blaster. I've been to the factory." Jack: "Not many left. The factory was disintegrated." Dr: "Like I said, I've been there." #
  • @MrShimasaki The kids at work are a hoot. in reply to MrShimasaki #
  • Doctor: "He's a 51st century guy. So much more flexible than you lot." Rose: "How flexible?" Doctor: "So many species, so little time…" #
  • "The death of the safety inspector?" "Slipped on an icy patch." "He was decapitated." "It was a *very* icy patch." #
  • "Where were we? Oh, right. Barcelona!" #
  • The Welsh tendency of pronouncing "th" sounds like an "ff" sound cracks me up every time I watch Doctor Who and Torchwood. "It's nuffing." #
  • @Tymethief yeah they're awesome. Too bad my local range won't let me use 'em in reply to Tymethief #
  • @spookannie I need them every day here… in reply to spookannie #
  • @cnnbrk That headline's not very clear; did they try to kill him with the dog, or did he try to draw the picture with the dog? in reply to cnnbrk #
  • Another group presenting in today's U.S. History class… I may have more good material #
  • Re: raising the Continental Army: "How many people here would join the military?" Me: "Already did." #
  • I know there's other vets in this class, but I'm the only one that spoke up #
  • @Tymethief Funny… I was looking at that mountain range from the other side this morning… :p in reply to Tymethief #
  • Every third word from this girl seems to be "and, um…" #
  • and every fifth is just "um" #
  • "They, um, needed to kind of, um, fight for, um, their freedom, and, um…" #
  • @Tymethief Thankfully I've only heard two or three instances of "like" in reply to Tymethief #
  • Y'know, it's really not necessary for every single person to tell us directly "and that's my conclusion." It should be self-evident. #
  • Woah, this one mixed it up. Instead of using the word "conclusion" to tell us she was making her conclusion, she just said "and that's it" #
  • Bleh. If you're gonna present, can you at least pronounce things right? Hessians is not pronounced "Hee-see-ans" #
  • @walshcaitlin Hope not, 'cause they charge extra for that. Heck, they charge you for having the audacity to bring luggage in the first place in reply to walshcaitlin #
  • My job's one of 'em RT @OCReggie: OC schools: 571 jobs on the line (teachers & staff), $352 million cut from budgets #
  • 46% off! RT @TrekToday: News: Star Trek Online Sale: Today Only #
  • @KFINEWS One word: parody. in reply to KFINEWS #
  • Hey, Linsay Lohan, if you can't take the parody, get the f*ck out of the spotlight. (Please?) #
  • Overheard one of my classmates: "Everybody I know's born in Jan or Feb & I'm f*ckin' pissed 'cause they're turning 21 like 2 mos before me!" #
  • Prof's 20 mins late. If he's not here soon, I'm leaving. A half dozen others have already left, but I'm waiting a little longer. #
  • He finally showed up 27 mins late. I was just about to leave. He's handing back our tests from last wk. May just take mine and leave anyway #
  • Guy comes up to the prof at the break: "Heyyy… I wasn't here last week… Did I miss anything?" Prof: "Yeah, you missed the exam." #
  • Got The Protectorate #1 submitted to the printer while I was waiting for the prof to show. It should be available for sale in a few days #fb #
  • Was looking into hotel prices for the BAHS reunion this summer… my AAA discount gets me a room for $34/night just off the Vegas Strip… #
  • I thought it was bad when a woman nearly rear-ended me this morning because she had a lash-straightener clamped over her eyes… #
  • @Tymethief That's what happens when you consult an astrologer instead of an astronomer in reply to Tymethief #
  • @theisb Glad I pulled it up before you deleted… this is amusing as hell to read in reply to theisb #
  • Reading a rambling anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-sane post in a blog comment; thing's 6000+ words long… "I am the telepathic prophet" #
  • "You ALL hate Jews … YET YOU PRAY TO ONE LIKE A GOD!!
    Dislodge your head from your ass" #
  • "Mary … was a prostitute, and when he grew up Jesus met someone like his mother. This is a cruel joke the Gods play on Latinos" #
  • "the Anti-Christ will … [try] to restore the norms and mores which the Gods originally blessed upon the people which made life decent" #
  • And this guy's just getting started… #
  • "Considering the shape it is quite obvious [Italy was] the primary targets of the post-IceAge/Straight of Gibralter/Noah’s Flood disaster." #
  • "The Gods have used the ghettos of America as a reincarnation dumping ground." #
  • "These kids WANT to turn tricks. They LOVE the idea of having a pimp. … Yet another legacy of the evil inflicted by the Italians" #
  • Seems his hate's not just limited to Jews, Christians, and Italians: "The deterioration of society and mankind is all women’s fault" #
  • Well, he knows he's spamming, at least: "The Gods punished me for spamming without their consent. And to who? The Damned!!" #
  • "The Gods offered a clue about the Italians in the movie “The Matrix”:::They casted an Italian as the traitor of the group" #
  • The rantings end shortly after that; he talks about how he won't be around much longer. I hope he gets some help and doesn't hurt himself #
  • Not sure if it's a reaction to that novella of crazy I just read through, but I've got a headache now… #
  • @Tymethief Have you tried stretching to try to get rid of the cramp? Works for me sometimes. in reply to Tymethief #
  • @afoolishwit Reminds me of George Carlin: "I wonder: is there more rape at the North Pole or the Equator? I mean per capita." in reply to afoolishwit #
  • OK. Dozing off in my chair. Time for bed. G'night, all. #
  • @Jchawes Oh, nice. One of my ancestors died there during the revolution. in reply to Jchawes #
  • Nice. I need one of those. RT @segal_4 LOL as History taught us – nothing is to big to fail – #
  • Someone should tell Congress, Obama this RT @LibertyPaine: Delay is preferable to error.Thomas Jefferson #
  • I can kinda understand mistaking my name and writing down Jefe, but Steve? I have but one reply: Q-Tips. #
  • RT @spookannie: My students beg me to give them pity grades, but I don't because those are reserved for rich executives in failing companies #
  • @JamesatMetroPCS Up is a linear direction inverse to the pull of gravity. Honestly, what do they teach in these schools? in reply to JamesatMetroPCS #
  • LOL RT @spookannie: #toobigtofail That ginormous Romulan ship in the new Star Trek movie #
  • What awesome timing: pkg w art paper arrived today, right when I'm finally ready to start drawing Protectorate #2 (I'm behind schedule) #
  • That's pretty cool RT @scifigeeks: Disney World turns monorails into Tron light cycles [pics] #
  • I had to unfollow @LibertyPaine. Good quotes, but having them cycle over and over ad nauseam every five minutes was annoying as hell #
  • @JamesatMetroPCS You asked "What's up?" and I replied. Sorry, my sense of humor's a bit strange. in reply to JamesatMetroPCS #
  • @MethosChronicle I've got every episode, film, book, comic, and a lot of stuff from the Trek games on a hard drive… in reply to MethosChronicle #
  • Apparently my last post was 1911… I've always wanted a 1911, but I can't afford one right now. Got a Ruger P89 though. #
  • Just heard on radio: Report by Vatican's chief exorcist says the devil is at work in the Vatican, leading clergy astray #
  • Heh. Watching an old Twilight Zone episode from the Kennedy administration; guy filled up his gas tank: "That'll be $1.85." Good ol' days… #
  • Costs nearly twice that much just for one gallon these days… #
  • Okay, shades of Galaxy Quest… guy gets abducted by aliens with no concept of lying because they think he's the smartest man on Earth #
  • In reality he was just "the biggest liar this side of the Rockies." He escaped because the sound of harmonica music was fatal to them #
  • Early 1960s Twilight Zone… I can't make that $#!+ up #
  • Argh! I've got the Exorcist in my Netflix instant queue, and I really want to watch it, but I gave up horror movies for Lent! #
  • Hey, Viagra spammers: I have no need whatsoever for your product. Stop sending me emails. Thanks. #
  • @Tymethief I hear ya. My mental dream self is about 60 pounds lighter in reply to Tymethief #
  • @gadgetdoll I tweeted about that last night. Where were you? :p in reply to gadgetdoll #
  • When I see McDonald's add to their menu now, I'm reminded of Demoliton Man & the Franchise Wars – "Now every restaurant is a Taco Bell" #
  • Though to be honest, I do think their frappes are actually better (and cheaper!) than the Starbucks frappuccinos… #
  • Made a "Huge tracts of land" joke during History class (re: French & Indian War). Got a few laughs; seems some are familiar w Monty Python #
  • @gadgetdoll That's 'cause I heard it on the radio in reply to gadgetdoll #
  • My prof apparently hasn't seen Holy Grail, though… she looked at us like "Why is 'huge tracts of land' funny?" when ppl started laughing #
  • Brits taxed Americans after French-Indian War 'cause they footed the bill for 80 million pounds – that's 10 billion pounds in today's money #
  • Naturally, the colonists said "Hey, that was your war. We're not paying these taxes." #
  • Probably didn't help that the Brits didn't have to pay the taxes, though. Or that the war effectively gave the UK control of the whole world #
  • RT @afoolishwit: Ppl keep complaining abt accelerators sticking in Toyotas. I don't mind; it's the only way I can get my Corolla over 40mph #
  • Had a little kid run out into the street in front of me on my way to work after class. Had time to stop, thankfully #fb #
  • Just heard one student say to another: "Damn, you a pussy gangsta. You watch Naruto." #
  • Only if it's implemented well RT @scifigeeks: Battlestar Galactica Online MMO in the works. Frakkin' Awesome! #
  • Another student exchange: "Who's binder is this? This yours? 'Money over bitches.' You prefer money over bitches?" #
  • I asked a kid to get to work for the third time. "I'm thinking!" Another kid piped in: "Since when?" #
  • @spookannie The kid wrote "money over bitches" on his binder and the other kid couldn't believe he liked money more than girls in reply to spookannie #
  • Me: "It's due at the end of the period. That's 30 mins." Girl: "I'll do it tomorrow." Me: "It's due in 30 mins." Girl: "So?" #
  • Me: "Get to work." Kid: "I'm done, fool. Check it." Me: "OK." Kid: "I'm just playin'! I'm just playin'!" #
  • This class is just an endless supply of resistance. 40 students, 8 absent, 6 actually working, the rest obstinately refusing to work #
  • @scifigeeks Why "Starbuck" instead of Katee Sackhoff? You're using everyone else's real names… in reply to scifigeeks #
  • This is tweet #1945 Another good year: the Second World War ended with Germany's surrender in April and Japan's in September. #
  • @scifigeeks Maybe first initial and last name then? K Sackhoff, A Tapping, C Black, & T Helfer? Unless that's too obscure. lol in reply to scifigeeks #
  • @scifigeeks Throw in a vote for Firefly & Stargate Atlantis' @JewelStaite for me, btw in reply to scifigeeks #
  • @theisb I hope I can make at least 3 dollar signs off my comic when it comes out in a couple weeks, 'cause I've spent 4 just to make it lol in reply to theisb #
  • W00T!! Just got a letter from CSUF. First line: "I am pleased to offer you admission…" #fb #
  • #ohatdl CM on tram: "California Adventure will be closing at 6" Guest: "It's 6:15! How can something that already happened be future tense?" #
  • #ohatdl Little girl at tram bording area: "Mommy, are we leaving?" #
  • #ohatdl CM on tram: "DCA will be closing at 6" Guest: "It's 6:15! How can something that already happened be future tense?" #
  • #ohatdl Guest re: flashing "lightsaber" swords: "THAT'S a seizure waiting to happen…" #
  • @spookannie I haven't even gotten home yet this evening… Was out on a date for the last four hours. Thankfully no class in the am in reply to spookannie #
  • RT @latimes: Daylight saving time can be hazardous to your health, and your stock portfolio via @LATimeshealth #
  • Got my PIN from CSUF Admissions & Records. After so long at @FullColl it feels strange to be transferring in a few months #
  • @spookannie No, we didn't. Talked about our families, places we've lived, stuff like that. We've been dating for a few weeks now. in reply to spookannie #
  • Kid: "You do drugs?" Me: "No. Don't need to." Kid: "Take a risk, man!" Me: "I did. I enlisted and volunteered to go to Iraq." #
  • Kid has learned this lesson early: RT @OHatDL (@Opteak) 8yo boy: "Girls are invicible because they get whatever they want." #
  • Once again, I'm disappointed with the RT implementation on Twitter… I like to add commentary when I RT, and their system doesn't let me #
  • I have a question, McDonald's: since when does a Caesar salad (yes, they sell them) require a knife? #
  • @walshcaitlin Shh. Don't tell my mom. She doesn't know I volunteered for that deployment. lol in reply to walshcaitlin #
  • Yes, it's Friday. Yes, it's Lent. The burger I'm eating? No meat in it. Thank you, soybeans. You almost taste like the real thing. #
  • So I post on FB about the soyburger I ate, & one of my friends turns it into a debate over the arguments for vegetarianism… yeesh #
  • All I said was that it was pretty good and it actually tasted like meat… #
  • @spookannie Yikes. That really needs a NSFW tag. lol in reply to spookannie #
  • @spookannie Oh, and BTW… eyebleach… must find it. in reply to spookannie #

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