Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-10

  • To do: cash check, pay bills, clean room, pack. #fb #
  • Not a single news outlet in SoCal covered the #GIBill emergency check distribution, despite 1000+ vets showing up #fb #
  • Correction: there was a bit in the San Diego area, but nothing for the LA area #
  • I'm home. Getting rent caught up took nearly 2/3 of the VA money. The rest has gone to catch up on other bills. Relieved, but not done. #fb #
  • It's official: I'm moving in 14 days. Trying to start packing, but it seems like I'm making a mess more than anything. #fb #
  • Cords on my TV were unplugged again. Pedro didn't believe me when I said I think it's his kid. As if it's hard to pull them out #fb #
  • Winston lost his pass for 15mins after we parked at Disneyland. Turns out it was in his shirt pocket. #fb #
  • Trying to leave Tomorrowland but train & monorail both down. Guess I'm fighting the crowd on foot #fb #
  • RT @daytonward Dear politicians: When you send troops to a war zone, and they ask for more people or equipment, YOU FUCKING SEND IT, 'kay? #
  • Got a B on my Geography test from last week. Would've had an A, but I had a brain fart while filling in the map of Russia #fb #
  • @jchawes Once I get the rest of my GI Bill money, I plan to get a copy. Looks like a good read! #
  • OK, looks like I'm moving *this* weekend, not next. #fb #
  • Yay! At long last, I've got textbooks! #fb #
  • @Trekcast @Quarksbartender. Guys, that timeline file I made is nothing. Check my site out: #
  • Finally got the photos from Friday's #GIBill emergency check distribution at the VA online: #fb #
  • RT @USATODAY Give this provocative opinion column a read: In defense of Glenn Beck – Join the debate here: #
  • It would be nice to have Internet access with something besides my phone tonight, Time Warner. #
  • @iava Drat. What if I was already following and want a T-Shirt? 😉 #
  • W00t! My #GIBill paperwork is no longer listed as "pending" on WAVE, so I should get the rest of my money soon! #fb #
  • @Tymethief Darn it, you beat me to it with @BadAstronomer. :p #
  • Good thing I got my own domains 10 years ago RT @mashable End of an Era: GeoCities to Close This Month – #
  • Packed about 1/3 of my stuff so far. Reserved a U-Haul for Saturday; proctoring SAT test in the am, then moving in the pm. #fb #
  • #In1999 my ex-girlfriend finally stopped stalking me. #
  • RT @Syfy I'm giving away my Stargate Universe press kit to 1 random person who RTs this note by 9pm PT on 10/9 – #sgu #
  • #In1999 I got my first job as a newspaper editor #
  • #In1999 my niece turned 1 year old #
  • #In1999 my hair was no longer down to my shoulders so I could get a real job #
  • Guess I'm not proctoring the SAT after all; the coordinator overbooked on proctors. More time for moving. #fb #
  • Watched the new DC cartoon, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies. Looking forward to the next one, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths. #fb #
  • Got a little over half my stuff packed now. I should be good to go by Saturday afternoon at this rate. #fb #
  • This further cements my belief that they've become a joke RT @LATimes President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize #
  • RT @zaibatsu Anyone else find it ironic that #obama wins the #nobel peace prize the same morning that #NASA #bombthemoon ? #fb #
  • Reviewing some of the #moon tweets…. umm, people, you DO realize that @NASA sends SPACEcraft to the moon, not AIRcraft, right? #fb #
  • RT @MahtSmiff Dear Nasa Im really happy for u and I'ma let u finish, but Dr. Evil had one of the best plans to blow up the moon of ALL TIME! #
  • #In1999 I was loving the final season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine #
  • SWEET! Just checked my bank account. The VA has (finally!) deposited the rest of the money they owe me! #fb #
  • Did anyone really believe NASA hitting the moon with an object the size of a car would create an effect visible from 289Kmi away? #fb #
  • I thought the Nobel Prize meant you had actually accomplished something. Then again, they gave it to Arafat, too… #fb #
  • No Lie! RT @USATODAY Rep. Joe Wilson raises $2.7 million #
  • The old guy in the room next to mine is a hoot sometimes. No, Obama is not the Antichrist. He's not popular enough. #fb #
  • @syfy #sty? really? I would've gone with something that didn't have swine filth connotations #
  • Wow. @Quarksbartender plugged and my visitors went up 470%! Thanks, man! #
  • That's frickin' cool… PRT @thinkgeek LEGO zombies #
  • Now that I can afford it, I'm thinking of getting the PS3 and HDTV I've been wanting for almost 2 years now, once I finish moving. #fb #
  • Im happy 4 u Obama, an Ima let u finish, but my boy Tsvangirai did more 4 peace by working w Mugabe as opposition ldr in Zimbabwe #fb #
  • I know, the Kanye joke is getting old, but it seemed appropriate today #
  • @iava I also want to say thanks for helping put pressure on the VA. My $ is now a pending credit that will be available on Tues #
  • Watching Angel season 1 while I pack. Almost forgot how much I liked this show. #fb #

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