Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-29

  • Just a picture of me with my niece after my grandpa's funeral yesterday. She's growing up so fast…! #
  • played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. #
  • Boarding my flight back to California. It was good to be with my family during this difficult time for all of us. #
  • I've landed and am on my way home. For my next trick, I have to go back to work tomorrow… #
  • played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. #
  • Holy crap. Something went seriously haywire with the WordPress Adsense plugin I was using… error log hit 1GB within minutes… #
  • Couldn't get into the control panel; had to FTP in & delete the plugin's folder to stop it. Deleted the error log, and all is well again… #
  • Crap. Looks like a lot of my email that was still on the server went poof when the error log got so huge it went over my space limit… #
  • Oh, good. it's still there. Just wasn't showing up for a minute. *whew* #
  • @PizzaKarin Thanks for the mention of my blog post. What did you think of it? in reply to PizzaKarin #
  • New blog post: Aiming High in the Air Force: 2004, Part One: With Frickin' Laser Beams #
  • @J_Beale Did you get CS5 up and running ok? in reply to J_Beale #
  • The new Duty Officer system in the @trekonlinegame F2P beta actually makes me feel like I'm really the captain of a ship with a crew of 100s #
  • I'm not just flying around with a half-dozen bridge officers, getting into trouble… now I'm also handing out assignments to dozens of NPCs #
  • Character "death" in comics today reminds me of a Cheech & Chong skit… "you know, and I know, and they know: you'll be back next week…" #
  • when even Spider-Man's Aunt May can die and come back in comics, something's seriously effed up #
  • By this point, I guesstimate about 2/3 of comic characters are actually zombies… and that doesn't even count actual zombie comics #
  • Yes, The Internet, these are the things I think about when I'm too tired to fall asleep. #
  • played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. #
  • New blog post: Aiming High in the Air Force: 2004, Part Two: Crash and Burn #
  • @J_Beale It happens sometimes. Today, I dreamed about driving to work… only to wake up and realize I still had to drive to work. D'oh! in reply to J_Beale #
  • @Altexist Which SFA event? The anomaly hunt on Tribble that gives out dilithium rewards? Or did I miss something? in reply to Altexist #
  • @Altexist yeah, it's a bit of a grind. I've only done it once, but it gave out a pretty hefty dilithium reward that'll help w/ buying stuff in reply to Altexist #
  • Blog was down earlier while I was making changes. Sorry for any inconvenience. More info on my G+ page: #
  • @daytonward Those things are frickin' awesome. I especially love the Vanguard cover; it's actually something I could see framed on my wall. in reply to daytonward #
  • Good for 5 ppl, apparently. First come, first served. Exclusive full access at @Spreecast. #socialmeetvideo Get it at: #
  • Add your own topics is coming to @Klout. Claim this perk and be the first to add your own topics! #
  • Dreamed I ran into an old girlfriend in Russia. Haven't dreamed about her in years… #
  • played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. #
  • played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. #
  • Frickin' awesome. "I… I heard it laugh." RT @Syfy: The classic NES game Duck Hunt has been redone as a horror film – #
  • played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. #
  • Now that's some quality in-flight entertainment, @atsheldon #
  • @wilw Also… if it's free, how can it be pre-paid? in reply to wilw #
  • For those interested, I made an index page for my "Aiming High in the Air Force" retrospective series #
  • For those interested, I made an index page for my "Aiming High in the Air Force" retrospective series (corrected link) #
  • played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. #
  • Wow. Just realized I've written almost 20K words for my blog in the past month, and I'm planning another ~10K over the next couple weeks #
  • played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. #
  • Everyone else was watching baseball. I was watching Firefly. I stand by my decision. #
  • played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. #

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