- I think this is my first picture with Mickey since I was a little boy… http://lockerz.com/s/125171683 #
- played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- @wilw He is awesome, and I hope to meet him some day. #HappyBirthdayRyanWheaton #
- Boy (about 12) to his dad: "We're still frenemies." #ohatdl #
- @DantesSTO My first Foundry attempt, "Test Run," is up (username jharlan1977). Someone said it was broken by S4, but I replayed it just fine in reply to DantesSTO #
- played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- @TIME I really wanted to start my day reading an article & comments spouting so much anti-Catholic hysteria they belong in the 1830s. in reply to TIME #
- @TIME That was thinly-veiled sarcasm, just in case you missed it. #
- played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- Another day, another A… Tonight was oral presentation for HIST 300B paper; only thing left now is to finish writing it & turn it in #
- Re: the new Ultimate Spider-Man from @marvel – Who cares what color his skin is? The only thing that matters: Is the story any good? #
- @theisb Dark Knight Returns? Batman Beyond? Batman, Inc? in reply to theisb #
- So… DiDio's official position while head of DC was Wonder Woman is a virgin. Um, she dated *Batman.* My belief can't stay that suspended. #
- @DantesSTO I must wait until after finals and my research paper are finished before I can allow myself to open STO… in reply to DantesSTO #
- @wilw You should make a hefeweizen and call it Wheaton & Son's Wheat #badumbumching in reply to wilw #
- Anyone else think the new Catwoman photo makes her look more like Talia al Ghul than Selina Kyle? @theisb #
- @NathanFillion until it's opened… it's a Schroedinger letter. :p in reply to NathanFillion #
- Life ends at 25. Didn't you hear? RT @TIME: Sarah Michelle Gellar questioned on being "too old" to star in a new TV show http://t.co/Fv8TfUC #
- played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
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