- Heard a good one today… apparently Chuck Norris just returned from a vist to Pakistan… #
- Hope so RT @TIME: The U.S. has seized computers from bin Laden's compound. Can their contents prevent future attacks? | http://ti.me/l9mtVl #
- @theisb you too huh? in reply to theisb #
- Tried to explain the time travel in the Star Trek book I'm reading to my roommate… required a diagram… #fb http://lockerz.com/s/98554382 #
- @walshcaitlin Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations – "Watching the Clock" by Christopher L. Bennett in reply to walshcaitlin #
- Cinco de Mayo: the day Mexicans beat the French. But really, who hasn't? #
- Whiskey.Tango.Foxtrot. RT @goodgaming "PSN was running on unpatched Apache server with no firewall" #gaming http://bit.ly/iugDCY #
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