- played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- Last guy in the bathroom puked *on* the toilet, not *in* it… I can hold it a bit longer. Oh, and yuck. #fb #
- Nice. Found season 1 of Rome on sale at Wal-Mart for $12. It rang up as $30, and when they confirmed the price, I got another $3 off. #
- played Star Trek Online (PC) and Alien Swarm (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- @walshcaitlin braiiiiiinsss….. #
- Because finals aren't fun enough, now I have a sinus infection #fb #
- @walshcaitlin Agreed. I've got a paper due tomorrow that I've barely started. Being sick doesn't help either #
- "The Irish were the first unwanted aliens in the new republic, the first targets of hate and violence." I rarely see anyone talk about this #
- In case anyone cares, yes, I'm working on my paper for my history class, and yes, it's on the Irish immigrants in late 1800s USA #
- @walshcaitlin naturally #
- played Star Trek Online (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- I unlocked 2 Steam achievements on Poker Night at the Inventory! http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- played Poker Night at the Inventory (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- I unlocked the Special Item: The Heavy achievement on Poker Night at the Inventory! http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- I unlocked 3 Steam achievements on Chime! http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- I unlocked 2 Steam achievements on Chime! http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
- played Chime (PC) and AaaaA! – A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (PC) in the last 24 hours. http://raptr.com/TheHarlander #
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