Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-27

  • @MrShimasaki She kinda looks like Palpy, too… in reply to MrShimasaki #
  • @gadgetdoll And here women get mad when guys do that to them… in reply to gadgetdoll #
  • Coming soon to an America near you RT @latimes "Day of Wrath" in Russia: Huge anti-government protests hit the streets #
  • @gadgetdoll Well, that's a different story. He likes to show off, then. in reply to gadgetdoll #
  • A friend of mine tried to prove that nobody listens to Limbaugh by citing TV ratings. That's like checking your clock for the weather report #
  • I don't think this bill is the way to fix what, largely, isn't broken. #
  • I am neither racist nor a bigot, and I'm deeply offended by blanket claims that those who oppose the bill are such #
  • Healthcare costs have risen over the years because, in part, Medicare only pays a fraction of the costs, leaving others to pick up the tab. #
  • Why is it such a brilliant idea to then effectively extend Medicare? That will only cause those who actually do pay having to pay even more #
  • Those who support this legislation point to the example of England's NHS. This bill is NOTHING like NHS. #
  • The closest we've got to the NHS is the military health syststem. Unless every doctor becomes a gov't employee, that just ain't happening #
  • I think I've solved the world's energy crisis: make a reactor that combines pasta and antipasta #
  • #ohatdl Walking into men's room at parking structure, guy next to me says: "Looks like a rainbow threw up in here" #
  • When I finish compiling all my data for Trekipedia, I want to make it into book format, too. I wonder what the law is re: publishing it #
  • Pocket has said they're not looking to do reference books (part of why the last Encyclopedia was 10yrs ago); what about indy publishing? #
  • I know people do unofficial books all the time; I wonder about the legal issues of doing an unofficial encyclopedia-style book #
  • So, the bill passed. The Senate still has to approve any changes made before it can become law. Unless they deem to ignore the Constitution #
  • I hope I'm wrong about the health care bill. I fear I'm right. #
  • LOL RT @cordy74: Will #HCR cover zombie-related injuries? Where does it stand on these as pre-existing conditions? I HAVE CONCERNS, PEOPLE! #
  • Andnow… offtoclass. #talklikewilliamshatnerday #
  • Added several files to Trekipedia earlier; they're still WIP, but good references. @quarksbartender @trekcast @super_spock #startrek #
  • #startrek File 1: @quarksbartender @trekcast @super_spock #
  • #startrek File 2: @quarksbartender @trekcast @super_spock #
  • #startrek File 3: @quarksbartender @trekcast @super_spock #
  • #startrek File 4: @quarksbartender @trekcast @super_spock #
  • #startrek File 5: @quarksbartender @trekcast @super_spock #
  • My email's getting bombarded w spam lately; started soon after using it to sign up for Warner Bros BDLive… #
  • @Tymethief Reminds me of a quote: "Black holes are where God divided by zero." Can't remember who said it atm tho in reply to Tymethief #
  • @wilw They're already doing that; it's called "Minute to Win It" in reply to wilw #
  • Just got the PDF proof of my comic. Looks good; I should have physical copies soon! 😀 #
  • I'm no fan but that goes beyond the pale RT @mashable: Tweets Calling for Obama Assassination Prompt Secr. Serv. Inv. #
  • Can't understand half of what's coming out of his mouth, though. Enunciate, young man. #
  • Even better…. next girl comes up and immediately turns her back to the class and starts talking to the white board #
  • What's the point of having a powerpoint presentation if you're not going to use it? #
  • @A_Peabody I agree with the spirit of it, just not the specifics. I worry about the costs, which are nearly $1 trillion just to start. in reply to A_Peabody #
  • Twitter could benefit from something like Google Goggles. Hit send and it could ask "Do you REALLY want the entire planet to see this?" #
  • Reminded of Franklin's 13 Virtues. 1.Temperance, 2.Silence, 3.Order, 4.Resolution, 5.Frugality, 6.Industry, 7.Sincerity, 8.Justice #
  • 9.Moderation, 10.Cleanliness, 11.Tranquility, 12.Chastity, 13.Humility #
  • @super_spock I think the Human Services building next to the Visitor Services building is where they serve the humans to the Visitors in reply to super_spock #
  • @A_Peabody I liked Trier. So much history in one little area in reply to A_Peabody #
  • Lady said she had to split some money 65/45. She got confused when I asked where the extra 10% came from. #
  • @gadgetdoll Did you watch all of the 2009 Dr Who specials? "The End of Time" was really good. in reply to gadgetdoll #
  • I'm starting to accept there's just no way on Earth I can do a monthly comic simultaneously with going to college and holding another job #
  • Issue 2? Looking more like a June release, not May. Issue 1 should be out soon. #
  • To the person with the ginormous "RIP MJ" stenciled in their back window: it would help if you spelled his name correctly. #
  • I'm thinking I might just release it all as a single volume. Doesn't lock me into a rigid production schedule. More cost-effective, too. #
  • Neighbors got a new puppy. Tiny little chihuaua that looks like he's about to crap himself if I look in his direction #
  • Watching a debate between an atheist and a PhD in theology. Very interesting stuff, though they're talking at as much as to each other #
  • For those interested, the Star Trek reference PDF files I've created are available for download at #
  • Zip file: lists of ships (by name, class, registry), shuttles, starbases, & stories (film, books, audiobooks, comics, games) and chronology #
  • @daytonward I might actually watch that, just to be able to say I did in reply to daytonward #
  • @daytonward I'd go with the Stormtrooper. Depending on the angle at which it's viewed, it could very easily be mistaken for something else in reply to daytonward #
  • @daytonward which Batman? West, Keaton, Bale, or Denny Adams? in reply to daytonward #
  • @Tymethief Re: morning do-over: I think I needed it more than you, sorry. in reply to Tymethief #
  • Well, at long last, I finally figured out how to get Windows Media Center to stream to m PS3… now I can watch the DVR'd shows on my PS3 #
  • Currently, though… watching Firefly. "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal." #
  • One thing I really liked about Firefly was that there's no sound at all in space. Even BSG added muffled sounds. #
  • Heard a girl say "I didn't know birds pooped" in the parking lot while walking to class… Um, wow. #fb #
  • OK, that's a new one RT @mashable: Facebook Blamed for Rise of Syphilis in UK – #
  • Some movies don't need to be made RT @NBCLosAngeles: Jamie Foxx Writing “Laverne And Shirley” Movie. Wait, What? #
  • Seriously, start coming up with original shows for a change, Hollywood. #
  • Kids cleaning graffiti off desks: "You want me to rub it or just blow on it?" "That sounds wrong" Staff mbr: "At least they're not cussing" #
  • "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty, than those attending too small a degree of it." T. Jefferson #
  • Wow. 5 years already? RT @SonyPlayStation Today is the PSP's 5-year birthday! #
  • Found a copy of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire at Goodwill for $1.50 #fb #
  • Several people I know will be overjoyed at this RT @latimes Breaking: Initiative to legalize marijuana qualifies for November ballot. #
  • "Dear Diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were captured by hillfolk and it was the best day ever." Jayne rocks. #
  • @cordy74 It's all ripped to my computer; I finally got Windows Media Center to stream to my PS3 last night and started watching it again. in reply to cordy74 #
  • Mal: "Looks like we got here just in time. What does that make us?" Zoe: "Big d*mn heroes, sir." #
  • @Tymethief Me too. I'm rewatching the series and posting a few I find amusing as I come across them in reply to Tymethief #
  • "Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds #
  • "you're going to burn in a very special level of hell, one reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." Book #
  • Mal:"I was poisoned!" Inara:"You were drugged" Jayne:"That's why *I* never kiss 'em on the mouth" Once again, Jayne is teh awesomeness lol #
  • Of course, the next episode is all about the Hero of Canton himself. Looking forward to it. #
  • Girl's walking to class with nothing but a pillow… #
  • Walkers? RT @NowGamer_Dan: Question of the day 30: If all species were named as literally as flies, what should humans be called? #
  • .@Syfy Red II: Redder and Red III: Even Redder #
  • Finished watching Firefly. Watching Serenity now. Shiny. #
  • @Jchawes It can be trying at times, but tracing family history is fascinating and rewarding. I've learned so much about mine recently in reply to Jchawes #
  • Sinead O'Connor's on TV for an interview about the Pope? That's like interviewing John Wilkes Booth about Abraham Lincoln. #

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