Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-21

  • Spent most of the day at the tidepools in Corona del Mar for a Bio lab field trip. Got some good pix, uploaded to Facebook. #fb #
  • After midnight. Perhaps I should go to bed. That would certainly make getting up for church in the morning that much easier. #fb #
  • 100 followers? Really? #
  • Of course, as soon as I mentioned that I'd reached 100 followers, someone apparently unfollowed, so I'm back at 99 now… #
  • Finished season 1 of Lost last night. #
  • So apparently thuggish knights had to be threatened with the bones of saints by the church to get them to behave. #fb #
  • Girl: "Mr. H why do you keep coming over here?" Me: "You're not working" Girl: "Look I'm doing #1" Me: "The bell rings in 5 minutes" #fb #
  • D'oh! Light bulb burned out in my room, no replacement tonight. I've got a table lamp, so at least it's not completely dark. #fb #
  • This … Ismade … Of WIN RT: @wilw today only … you … can … get … SHATNERQUAKE … forfree! #
  • @daytonward Not that I know of but I've seen one where Buffy stakes him for stalking her in reply to daytonward #
  • @Tymethief That's the only "war on …" they're succeeding at in reply to Tymethief #
  • I tell a kid to get to work. Kid: "I'm passing this class." Me: "You won't be if you don't do your work" Kid: "Oh yeah, huh?" #fb #
  • Me: "Quiet down, please." Kid: "I'M talking!" Me: "And so is the teacher. Show him some respect, please." Kid: "Shut up." #fb #
  • At least they're a little better as sophomores than they were as freshmen… #fb #
  • Kid: "Mr. H, you think that movie 2012 is real?" Me: "No." Kid: "Why not?" Me: "Have you died in an earthquake lately?" #fb #
  • @indyrcks I'm just sharing some amusing/bemusing conversations with students at work #
  • Figures. I get out of class early, and end up driving all over the damn place because NOBODY has Legal paper. #fb #
  • Should show this to the kids at work who keep asking about it RT @dailygalaxy NASA Answers "2012" Fears (VIDEO) #fb #
  • And the abuse of the 911 system continues RT @goodgaming Teen calls 911 after parents take away Xbox #gaming #
  • @BrentSpiner Better to have the choice and social pressure to do the right thing than the gov't giving you no choice at all in reply to BrentSpiner #
  • Apparently the final season of Lost starts in Feb. I should be caught up by then thanks to Netflix. #fb #
  • "I am Spock." "… Bullshit." #
  • "If crew morale would be better served by my roaming the halls weeping, I will gladly defer to your medical expertise." #
  • "The notion of transwarp beaming is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet, whilst wearing a blindfold and riding a horse!" #
  • I've counted four instances of 47 in the movie so far, but I might've missed some #
  • @Tymethief Yes, and the beer vats were the antimatter containment pods that Scotty ejected at the end in reply to Tymethief #
  • RT @daytonward Screw 2012. Frikkin' Mayans couldn't predict their own civ going in the crapper, but they've got the lowdown on mine? #
  • @MethosTweet Your move is most illogical. You should have taken the rook. in reply to MethosTweet #
  • #FF shopping: @Overstock @thinkgeek @woot #
  • #FF news: @OCReggie @abc7 @mashable @KFIAM640 @NBCLosAngeles @USATODAY @latimes @weirdnews @cnnbrk @TIME #
  • #FF veterans' issues: @PaulRieckhoff @iava #
  • #FF friends of mine: @skela1979 @Mefran @MethosTweet @MrShimasaki @Tymethief @dannymcguffin #
  • #FF Trek-related: @daytonward @MethosTweet @trekcast @Quarksbartender @super_spock @TrekToday @BrentSpiner @wilw #
  • #FF SciFi-related: @scifigeeks @Syfy @dhewlett @JewelStaite @NathanFillion #
  • #FF Geektacular: @goodgaming @BadAstronomer @NASA @leolaporte #
  • #FF Misc Tweeps: @MindfullyChange @Jchawes @def_leppard @boyscouts @scoutstuff #
  • #FF humor: @shitmydadsays @OHatDL @TheOnion @alyankovic #
  • @super_spock I guess they want to make sure that you really, REALLY want it? in reply to super_spock #
  • Laundry is washing. Whee… #fb #
  • @trekcast @Quarksbartender @super_spock Just finished listening to ep 51. I'm tempted to write up a screenplay for that one to flesh it out! #

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