- Trekipedia: Update 29 Aug 2009 http://test.trekipedia.net/1555 #startrek #
- Trekipedia: Data entry: 18.8% complete http://test.trekipedia.net/1558 #startrek #
- Trekipedia: Update 30 Aug 2009: 19.1% completion http://test.trekipedia.net/1770 #startrek #
- Back to school yet again in t-minus 15 minutes… #
- Wow. Traffic was light this morning. 20 minutes early for class… #
- No Trekipedia updates tonight. Too late and way too tired. #
- Broke so it’s the bus today. Laptop batt only works for 5min, so it stays home (want netbook). Prob no Trekipedia updates today or tomorrow #
- Of course it starts raining when I’m walking to the bus stop #
- @daytonward I’d prefer Black Widow #
- D’oh! Got to the bus stop & spilled my coffee. At least it was almost empty #
- Passing thru Anaheim & the rain stopped. Hope it’ll wash the ash off my truck but the way today’s going it’ll probably turn it into a paste #
- Bus 3… Be at work in about 15-20 min. Trip takes about 2 hrs and I arrive about 30 min early. #
- Waiting for class to start, dismayed by inane chatter from others around me. If they represent society’s future, we are so hosed. #
- @wilw I think the prob was that you used the word sp*mb*t & they latched onto it (and by ext you). Had the same prob a few days ago #
- So there I was, reading @TheOnion, when I hear glass break. Turns out the kitchen lightbulb shattered into the sink… and the power was off #
- No more classes until Tuesday night… and then no Biology Lab on Wednesday either! #
- OMG they added reveille: http://www.kukuklok.com/ I use this site every day. Awesome app. #
- Got my Nerd Alert bumper sticker in today’s mail! Thanks @Quarksbartender & @Trekcast! You guys rock! #
- Apparently I need to discuss zombies more often RT @mashable HOW TO: Get More Respones in Online Dating http://bit.ly/yQUXN #
- Should Cochrane rethink moving there? RT @mashable Bozeman, Montana: Where Misunderstanding Social Media Is a Way of Lif http://bit.ly/NNKhQ #
- Tactical Canned Bacon. http://www.thinkgeek.com/c399 Heck yeah. #
- Now THIS is what they should’ve done for the Alien vs Predator movies: http://bit.ly/7lp4v This new game looks suh-weet #
- @wilw I disagree. I, too, am having fun, though all good things must come to an end, as I must go to bed soon… #
- RT @mashable Judge to Microsoft: You Can Keep Selling Word http://bit.ly/NbTBj (Because we just realized that, holy $#!+, everybody uses it) #
- Update 3 Sep 2009: 19.5% Completion http://test.trekipedia.net/1820 #startrek #
- Wow. Dude’s all dressed & tatted like a cholo (& drinking beer on the bus @10am)… but he’s as pale as me w red hair #
- @latimes They’d have just blown it on something else. The legislature has no fiscal sense whatsoever #
- Bus driver saluted me when he saw my military ID in my wallet while I was boarding… lol #
- How sad that I’m getting hits from university IPs, searching for my essays & speeches. Don’t plagiarize my stuff! #
- Just watched Alien Nation for the first time in years. Viva Netflix! #
- Agreed RT @wilw http://twitpic.com/gij6s – Oh. My. God. #
- Trekipedia: Update 4 Sep 2009: 21.1% Completion http://test.trekipedia.net/1935 #startrek #
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