Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-30

  • Anyone who thinks I’m weird hasn’t seen some of the people at Strategicon in LA #
  • Going to Dice House with Winston to play some Monsterpocalypse this afternoon. Disney again tomorrow, then watching Terminator. #
  • Added a link to my last blog post and summary pages for seasons 2 & 3 of TNG to the Trekipedia test site. It’s coming along slowly… #
  • RT @mashable Facebook attacks spreading, using many different URLs now. Avoid “.be” URLs in Facebook msgs. Details: #
  • Watched Terminator. Not a bad movie. Enjoyed it. Might just write a review later. #
  • Just found out that I, in fact, DO have another GI Bill payment coming. That should help with making the rent on the 1st. LOL #
  • Bird grabbed a big fish from pond by Frontierland. OH: “the circle of life!” #ohatdl #
  • Statue of Walt & Mickey seen from side “looks like Hitler with a boner.” #ohatdl #
  • Overheard: “You tweeted that?!” #ohatdl #
  • Burger King by my house has all 4 Star Trek glasses. Got the Kirk glass; have the whole set now! W00t! #
  • Been to Disneyland a half doz times this month; a bit Disneyed out now. Probably won’t go again for a while. Well, maybe for Space Mountain. #
  • Modern Man Ate His Rivals: Why Our Ancestors Won Out Over the Neatherthals (via @dailygalaxy) #
  • Epic Fail. #prop8 upheld. #californiafail #
  • Someone needs to submit the state of California to #californiafail #prop8 #
  • Spent the better part of the last 7 hours getting set up. It’s getting there… #
  • Agreed. RT @MrShimasaki A new ballot measure legalizing gay marriage is the way to go. #
  • My brother Kevin is effin’ AWESOME. Just got a Palm Treo in the mail from him… off to get it reflashed to the MetroPCS network soon. #
  • Off to get my new phone reflashed. W00t! #
  • Well that sucks. Can’t get the phone reflashed after all. The guy at the store was useless when I asked why. #
  • Dept of Ed called. Wanted $474/mo on student loans. Talked down to $275. Where will I get it? #

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