Back to school
Back to school
To show my dad
I’m not a fool
– Adam Sandler, “Billy Madison”
Yes, the time has, at last, come to pass. I’ll be returning to school in just under two weeks for summer classes at Fullerton College. I’ve enrolled and registered, and yesterday I (finally) met with a counselor to sort out my plan for the next year or so, and to fill out and file the paperwork to get my GI Bill payments started.
Apparently, it turns out, I need only two (possibly three) classes to complete my AA in Journalism. I had NO idea I was that close to finishing it. Once again, I’m coming to regret my decision to leave California and move to Iowa in 2000. I’m taking one of the classes this summer; the others won’t be offered until the Fall semester begins. I’ll be graduating at the end of Fall semester for the Journalism degree, and in the Spring, I’ll change programs and begin working toward my AS in Computer Science and eventual transfer to Cal State Fullerton, once those classes are completed.
This summer, I’ll be taking Photography 101 (required for the Journalism degree), Psychology 139 (General Ed for transfer to CSUF), and Spanish 101 (because, honestly, it’s getting to a point where I really need to learn that language to be able to function fully in this state). In the Fall, I anticipate that I’ll be taking Journalism 126 (required for the Journalism degree), Math 141, Geography 102 (general ed requirements), and (depending on my grades from ISU when the transcripts get here) either Journalism 110 or Political Science 100.
In (somewhat) related news, I’ve been notified that I’m being RIF’ed by the school district, and rehired as a part-timer for next school year. That’s okay with me, though, since it will free up more time for me to attend classes. I’m planning to pay out of pocket to continue my health insurance with Kaiser Permanente; the Health Services offered by the school don’t really cover a whole lot, particularly if I get seriously sick or injured. Kaiser has plans for about $60-ish per month, so it’s not too egregious an expense.
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