- Why I like Buffy: "We're not killers, we're villains. Lex Luthor doesn't kill Superman." "Because it's Superman's book, you moron!" #fb #
- Buffy's channeling some serious Charlton Heston in this one… "The Double Meat Medley is people!" lol #
- So after Buffy switched to UPN, they stopped filming in Widescreen… bleh #
- Still doesn't excuse doing an episode in letterbox when the previous episodes were all anamorphic #
- Interesting using Willow's addiction to magic as an analogy for alcoholism, though #
- Figures. I post about the themes in Buffy and get followed by some addiction recovery support group… #
- LOL "What kind of syrup do you want on your pancakes?" "…Syrups have kinds?!" #
- "I would rather make a show that a hundred people need to see than a show that a thousand people like to see." –Joss Whedon #fb #
- Another Valentine's Day alone. I must be doing something wrong. #
- @Tymethief You're about 2 years too late on that one, sorry http://myloc.me/3S0N3 in reply to Tymethief #
- @wilw I think if you took Donner's cut through the Fortress fight scene & went from there with the other version you'd have a stronger film in reply to wilw #
- @wilw Donner's cut is by far superior but I think the end was pretty weak; beating up the trucker was even more out of character in Donner in reply to wilw #
- OK, so the deadline I set to finish the pencils was yesterday… still 6 pages to draw… Good thing I left some room in the schedule #fb #
- @Tymethief Yes, we love it when people do that. :p in reply to Tymethief #
- Page 14 is looking pretty good http://tweetphoto.com/11652826 #
- OMG @wilw is the Gatekeeper! (Where's the Keymaster?) RT @wilw: THERE IS NO TRY, ONLY ZUUL! #
- Darn being a history major… put on a movie for some background noise while drawing, only to end up looking for historical inaccuracies #fb #
- @ArcticMandy I rather liked the apple tea they had when I was stationed in Turkey in reply to ArcticMandy #
- This is not an acceptable amount of space between cars. Whoever designed the parking lot at @FullColl is an i http://tweetphoto.com/11688801 #
- OK, @Tymethief, feel free to crack jokes at will now. http://tweetphoto.com/11727144 #
- The dollar theater now charges $2… What's this world coming to?! #fb http://myloc.me/3VRBM #
- At an Italian restaurant, staffed by Mexicans speaking English and listening to music in Spanish. Reminded of the Hawaii Grill in Baumholder #
- For the uninformed, the Hawaii Grill was run by Turks serving Greek food to Americans in Germany #
- Bandwidth Update: Bandwidth Comics history: the 1970s http://bandwidthcomics.com/54 #
- ZOMG ROOM 4 RENT YO RT @Tymethief: This guy is really excited about renting his room: http://houston.craigslist.org/roo/1603542443.html #
- I just realized that tweet # 1337 passed by unremarked 220 tweets ago. Can I still keep some geek cred regardless? #
- RT @1337bot RT @harlander ! ju$7 R341!z3d 7h47 7w337 # 1337 p4$$3d 8Y uNR3m4Rk3d 220 7w337$ 4g0. c4N ! $7!11 k33p $0m3 g33k cR3d R3g4Rd13$$? #
- Downloading the Win7 installation files for my netbook and watching Elizabeth: The Golden Age while the computer does its work… #fb #
- It's very surreal to watch movies about historical figures and realize that, hey, that character is my ancestor… #
- About to install Win7 on my netbook… and now watching Zombieland. Time to nut up or shut up, people. #fb #
- Got Win7 installed and now I'm getting all my programs reinstalled #fb #
- Scar Trek #oneletterofftvshows #
- Zeroes #oneletterofftvshows #
- Puffy the Vampire Slayer #oneletterofftvshows #
- Ghost Punters #oneletterofftvshows #
- Anger #oneletterofftvshows #
- The Teal Ghostbusters #oneletterofftvshows #
- I Dream of Meanie #oneletterofftvshows #
- Saved by the Hell #oneletterofftvshows #
- The Incredible Sulk #oneletterofftvshows #soundsperfectforthecw #
- Lobot Chicken #oneletterofftvshows #whatifgeorgelucasdidsketchcomedy #
- Tome #oneletterofftvshows #
- The Z Team #oneletterofftvshows #zombiesftw #
- Quantum Heap #oneletterofftvshows #
- Magnum, GI #oneletterofftvshows #
- The Tumors #oneletterofftvshows #
- Hannah Fontana #oneletterofftvshows #ifyouliveinsoutherncaliforniayoullgetit #
- The Greatest American Nero #oneletterofftvshows #
- Sawhide #oneletterofftvshows #nextsawmovietitle? #
- China Leach #oneletterofftvshows #
- 26 #oneletterofftvshows #alittleextratimethisyear #
- @Tymethief Yes, but the USA has borrowed so much money from China that we're the China Leech in reply to Tymethief #
- RT @gfling Buffy The Vampire Player #oneletterofftvshows (and, one should add, #ironicallyaccurate #
- This Old Louse #oneletterofftvshows #
- Fucktales #oneletterofftvshows #wildlyinappropriate #thatsjustwrong #sorrydisney #
- Post #oneletterofftvshows #yespeoplethatsacomputerjoke #
- Stallville #oneletterofftvshows #ohhowaccurate #seriouslyitsseason9andclarksnotsupermanyet #
- The Big Band Theory #oneletterofftvshows #soundslikeglenmiller #
- Minty Python's Flying Circus #oneletterofftvshows #fresherbreath #takethatcerts #
- "Tiger Woods has apologized for having affairs in front of 40 people" He had affairs in front of 40 ppl? Did he sell tickets? (via @KFINEWS) #
- Tiger, Imma let u finish, but my boy @alyankovic had tha best apology evar in the movie UHF #
- Tiger shoulda said: Aren't there wars in Afghanistan & Niger, & a little thing called the Olympics that you guys should be covering instead? #
- It's both amusing and sad that these kids walking around wearing rosaries on their necks don't know why I'm not eating meat on Fridays #fb #
- @walshcaitlin That's what I've tried to impress upon them, but they think it'll make them bulletproof in reply to walshcaitlin #
- Y'know, for a campus where most of the students are Catholic, there's sure a lot of cheeseburgers being eaten right now #
- RT @daytonward Forget Tiger. Here's something worth noting: 65 years ago today, the battle for Iwo Jima commenced. #
- Checking out the BBC series MI-5 on Netflix streaming… Seems like an interesting show; we'll see. #
- The pilot episode's villain is an American anti-abortion activist setting bombs… and of course she has a bad, cliched southern accent #
- @MethosChronicle Never mentioned anything about the Eagle Scout who saved a family stuck in a car from an oncoming train few days ago either in reply to MethosChronicle #
- @walshcaitlin Have you tried OpenOffice.org? Opens and saves to the MS Office formats, exports natively to PDF, and it's free in reply to walshcaitlin #
- @Tymethief That's even better than my weekend plans involving trash bags and Windex (before anyone says anything: I'm cleaning my apt. Jeez) in reply to Tymethief #
- @walshcaitlin Well, when you can, I'd give it a try. The install file is about 150MB in reply to walshcaitlin #
- @Tymethief Oh, I've also got some Simple Green for that, but I ran out of space in the tweet. :p in reply to Tymethief #
- @Tymethief I've got a bunch of stuff I need to take to my storage unit so I can clear out some space in my apt; it's stuffed to the gills in reply to Tymethief #
- I've got a 100W 5.1 surround speaker system I don't use anymore… anyone want it? lol #
- What's worse than being a largely-carnivorous Catholic on Fri in Lent? Being a largely-carnivorous Catholic allergic to fish on Fri in Lent #
- that was quick. The speakers have been claimed. #
- Spaghetti O's really didn't do the trick. Still hungry, but not much non-meat food here. I did not prepare well for Lent this year… #
- File transfer time remaining estimates are hilarious. Since when does 700MB at 1MB/sec = 1 hour? That works out to less than 12 mins #fb #
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