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Writing summary – November 2020

I won NaNoWriMo. I didn't write 50 thousand words, but as far as I'm concerned, I won.

I wrote 42 thousand words, and finished the first half of my novel. While working a grueling schedule that frequently saw me pulling 50-60 hours at work each week. Plus finding time to spend with my wife. And I still managed to crank out 42 thousand words. That's a win in my book.

I would fall asleep in my chair while writing after work each night. I would write during my breaks and on my lunches. I took a clipboard everywhere, to get some writing in whenever the opportunity presented itself. And I will continue to do so, albeit at a slightly relaxed pace. I still have a book to finish, but I also have several episodes of Star Trek: Discoveryand The Mandalorianto catch up on.

I lost friends this month, both online and in the real world, and I chose to honor their memories by naming characters after them in the book. I did the same for other friends I've lost over the years, as well as a few for friends that are still with us, but whom I haven't seen in a long time due to the diverging paths our lives have taken in some cases, and to the pandemic in others.

My attempts at blogging and becoming at least a semi-professional writer have come in fits and starts, but as the saying goes, "If something is important enough, you'll make the time." Writing is important, and I'm making the time.

I've consolidated all of my web sites into a single location. Bandwidth Comics, Geek Unified Theory, Infinite Continuum, and my personal blog, Oversharing, have all been merged here at I'm continuing with the title Oversharing for the blog, but I'll admit... Geek Unified Theory was pretty darn cool, too.

In the coming months, I'll be returning to regular blogging. I'm resurrecting my This Week in Geekcolumn, which will post every Monday, starting in January. For now, I'm just going to focus on one regular update per week. Trying to do daily updates burned me out and killed my last attempt at blogging pretty quickly. I'll also have posts for holidays and other major events, and I'll throw in articles like my retrospectives on Star Trekroleplaying games from time to time as well.

Blog posts

December Events

  • 10th: Hanukkah
  • 25th: Christmas
  • 26th: Kwanzaa
  • 31st: New Year's Eve

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